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Insurance & Risk Management Made for Employers

IFS Insurance Solutions is a leading provider of risk management and insurance broking and consulting services to employers.


Get the insurance coverage that's right for your organisation.


Negotiating and sourcing  insurance directly with an insurer usually  means that your organisation get the insurance cover that the insurer has to offer – not necessarily the insurance that  your organisation needs. 


As a leading insurance broking and consulting firm, we work for your organisation. Our strong client advocacy focus and experience allows us to work with each of our individual clients to identify their insurance needs and requirements before determining the best possible strategy and solutions in the market  for them.


Does your business have...

  • An Employee Benefit’s program that supports your HR strategy, helps you compete for the best talent & meets your EBA obligations?

  • A strategy to protect your profits on the loss of a key person?

  • Adequate protection for your directors & officers?

  • A tailored asset protection program that balances the transfer and retention of risk to optimise expenditure on insurance coverage?

  • Protection against the latest emerging risks such as cyber attacks, privacy breaches and criminal activity?

  • Access to the right insurance advice and solutions?


Protecting your assets

Managing exposure to risk, capitalising on opportunities and protecting business and financial assets are critical to the success of every organisation. The general insurance market is both volatile and cyclical and requires an experienced partner to engineer an

insurance program that aligns to the specific and unique exposures of your organisation.


Our products and services include:


Protecting your people

Talent drives success in business. Attracting and retaining the best people as well as protecting and supporting their health, wellbeing and security both here and abroad is paramount. IFS Insurance Solutions can structure an employee benefits program that:

  • builds your brand as an employer of choice

  • minimises your reputational risk

  • ensures you meet your EBA obligations

  • supports your employees and their families in the event of death or disability


Protecting your leaders

Are there people in your business whose prolonged absence would have a detrimental impact on profitability? Having a key person insurance plan in place can replace lost revenue, fund the cost of a paid replacement or repay debt if one of your key people dies or becomes disabled.


Working in an environment where responsibilities and accountabilities are challenged by an ever changing legal, regulatory and financial landscape, professional risks are an essential element of any risk management strategy for businesses.


We can help  your organisation get the right insurance cover & service to held protect your leaders. Here are some of the ways we can help:


For more information on Insurance & Risk Management made for employers, contact us.

Key Contact

Ben Sherburn
Account Director - Growth & Innovation
+61 3 9923 7162
Email: Ben Sherburn


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